Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Hugo Pratt: The Misinformation Continues!

This is outrageous: the misinformation about the great Héctor Germán Oesterheld in Europe continues!

Here I found the following incredible claims:

"(13) SGT. KIRK, dessins de Pratt (quelques encrages par Ivo Pavone, en 1954-55, par Carlos
Ruiz et par Juan Cruz, collaboration de Gisela Dester pour le dernier épisode, des planches
mises en couleur par Stefan Strocen, probablement du n°225, 9-1-53, au n°475, 20-12-57),
scénario d’Oesterheld et Pratt."

"(15) TICONDEROGA, dessins de Pratt (assisté de Gisela Dester à partir de la septième
livraison), scénario d’Oesterheld et Pratt. Gisela Dester (dessins) succède à Pratt en 1959."

"(16) ERNIE PIKE, dessins de Pratt, scénario d’Oesterheld, sauf pour les épisodes 13, 14, 16,
33 et 34, scénario de Pratt, et pour l’épisode 18, scénario de Jorge Mora, frère d’Héctor Oesterheld."

Hora Cero # 11, March 1958

Hora Cero Extra # 1, April 1958

Hora Cero # 13, May 1958

Hora Cero Extra! # 39, April 6, 1961

These are the first pages of 13, 14, 16, 33, mentioned above as written by Hugo Pratt. As you can see the script (Guión) is clearly indicated as being written by Oesterheld. Number 34, below, was indeed written by Pratt, but the story is indicated as being "Por Hugo Pratt" (By Hugo Pratt). (Oh and I bet that "Juan" Cruz is really Carlos Cruz.)

Hora Cero Extra! # 53, November 21, 1961

As for Sgt. Kirk and Ticonderoga I will just post a cover of Misterix magazine and the first page of Ticonderoga. In both cases the script is, obviously, by Héctor Germán Oesterheld and Héctor Germán Oesterheld alone.

To show you that I'm fair though, I want to publicly thank Dominique Petitfaux and José Muñoz for the information about the great colorist: Stefan Strocen.

Misterix # 312, September 10, 1954

Frontera # 1, April 1957

PS I really should do a comparative study of themes explored in Ernie Pike and Corto Maltese

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