Friday, September 26, 2008

David Wright's Carol Day: Jack Slingsby

Can you imagine an American newspaper comic in which "the hero" (to speak children's comics lingo) is engaged to one character while she's having an affair with another character who's married (a slacker, no less!)? Can you imagine Mary Perkins following her heart against social conventions and doing that? I can't. No newspaper or syndicate editor would allow it.
But that's exactly what happens in this masterpiece of the comics form.

The strips were reproduced from the original art and tearsheets originally assembled by the artist, David Wright, himself.

In a nutshell: great art, great visual and psychological characterization. I especially like David Wright's hatchings and cross-hatchings. He was at the peak of his abilities in the mid sixties, when this story was published, one strip each day, in UK's Daily Mail.

Carol Day's strip # 2486. In the second panel we can see jazzman Memphis Slim.

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